Furniture Planning for the Fall Semester? Here are 3 Things to Consider
We know how challenging it is right now for student housing facility managers trying to prepare for the return to campus life this fall. Even if your university hasn’t yet announced its reopening plan, you should be finalizing your furniture orders now. That way, when the reopening plan is announced, you’ll be ready to go and can ensure your res life furniture is installed before students return.
Being ready later means planning ahead now.
Here’s what you can do today to make sure you’re ready for student life to resume.
Line Up Your Vendor Now
Universities that wait to finalize their res life furniture orders are likely going to hit a bottleneck and risk receiving the furniture they need later than planned. Start talking to vendors now to understand their current stocking strategies. Identify which vendor will have the furniture you need in stock when you’re ready to buy to avoid additional delays.
At Blockhouse, we’re stocking our warehouse with beds, chairs, desks, wardrobes and more to make sure we have durable higher ed furniture in stock and ready to go the moment you need it.
Get Floorplans, Designs & Pricing in Place this Month
Your contract furniture manufacturer should aid you in the design process even before a sale is made. Our team works with customers to develop a smart approach to any room layout, and then outfit that room with the best furniture to create a comfortable space. If you’re not yet ready to place your res life furniture order, we can still help you specify the piece you need ahead of time so you’re ready to go the moment your university gives you the green light.
Focus on Repair vs. Replace
Look for res life furniture that’s manufactured with innovative features like replaceable components. At Blockhouse, we offer our patented Key-Loc cushion technology that allows you to flip or recover cushions before you replace them. This can save universities significant dollars down the road by eliminating the need to reorder furniture year after year.
Prepare now to be ready for the fall semester.
The best way to make sure your res life facilities are fully furnished before students return to campus is to work with your furniture vendor and get everything ready to go. Contact us today and our team will help you finalize your designs, select the right res life furniture for each student space and prepare your order. We’ll make sure you’re ready to go with high-quality furniture installed in time for the fall.
updated June 2020